If True by Zed Lopez

Version 1/211209

"Allow if/unless and while to accept plain truth states instead of a full conditional. If Strange Loopiness is included, extend that to until loops. For 6M62."

Copy Include If True by Zed Lopez to clipboard Include If True by Zed Lopez.
Section Changelog

1/211209 remove truth state valued table columns
1/211128 move while loops outside of For use with Strange Loopiness
1/211127 add while loops
1/211003 add truth state valued table columns
1/210928 Use I6-native do-until loop; prior implementation could break with multiple until loops
Version 1/211209 of If True by Zed Lopez begins here.

"Allow if/unless and while to accept plain truth states instead of
a full conditional. If Strange Loopiness is included, extend that
to until loops. For 6M62."

Part if/unless with truth states

Chapter if with truth state

To if (t - a truth state) begin -- end conditional:
     (- if ({t}) -)

Chapter unless with truth state

To unless (t - a truth state) begin -- end conditional:
     (- if (~~({t})) -)

Part while loops

Chapter while truth state plain

[ for an infinite loop, just ``while true:``.
it's your responsibility to break out! ]
To while (t - a truth state) begin -- end loop:
     (- while ({t}) -).

Chapter while truth state with index

To while (t - a truth state) with/using index (index - nonexisting number variable) begin -- end loop:
     (- {index} = 0; while ({t} && ++{index}) -).
Book Repetition (for use with Strange Loopiness by Zed Lopez)

Chapter until truth state

To repeat until (t - a truth state) begin -- end loop:
   until ({t});

Chapter until truth state with index

To repeat until (t - a truth state) with/using index (index - nonexisting number variable) begin -- end loop:
   {index} = 0;
   do if (++{index}) {-block}
   until ({t});

If True ends here.